
SOAP service’s name:
 SRMP_ranking-R-MCDA (see SOAP requests for details)


SRMP is a ranking method that uses dominating reference profiles, in a given lexicographic ordering, in order to output a total preorder of a set of alternatives.

Contact: Alexandru Olteanu (

Reference: A. Rolland. Procédures d’agrégation ordinale de préférences avec points de référence pour l’aide a la décision. PhD thesis, Université Paris VI, 2008.


(For outputs, see below)


A complete list of alternatives to be considered by the method.

The input value should be a valid XMCDA document whose main tag is <alternatives>. It must have the following form:



A list of the reference profiles.

The input value should be a valid XMCDA document whose main tag is <alternatives>.


The evaluations of the alternatives on the set of criteria.

The input value should be a valid XMCDA document whose main tag is <performanceTable>.


The evaluations of the category profiles.

The input value should be a valid XMCDA document whose main tag is <performanceTable>.


A list of criteria on which the alternatives are evaluated. For each criterion, the preference direction should be provided.

The input value should be a valid XMCDA document whose main tag is <criteriaScales>.


The criteria weights.

The input value should be a valid XMCDA document whose main tag is <criteriaValues>.


A list of the order of the reference profiles, 1 being for the first profile that will be used when comparing two alternatives together.

The input value should be a valid XMCDA document whose main tag is <alternativesValues>.



The order of the alternatives given in ranks, or values, 1 being the top alternative.

The returned value is a XMCDA document whose main tag is <alternativesValues>.


Messages from the execution of the webservice. Possible errors in the input data will be given here.

The returned value is a XMCDA document whose main tag is <programExecutionResult>.

Original xml description