List of available XMCDA web services


RORUTA-NecessaryAndPossiblePreferenceRelationsHierarchical Version: 1.0 Provider: PUT

Description: Finds all possible and necessary weak preference relations on the set of alternatives. It supports a hierarchical decomposition of the problem

RORUTA-PairwiseOutrankingIndices Version: 1.1 Provider: PUT

Description: The procedure finds pairwise outranking indices matrix for a given problem.

RORUTA-PairwiseOutrankingIndicesHierarchical Version: 1.1 Provider: PUT

Description: Procedure finds a set of matrices of the pair-wise outranking indices for a given problem and a given hierarchy of the criteria. Each matrix describes another node of this hierarchy.

RORUTA-PostFactum-PreferenceRelatedDeteriorationOrSurplusValue Version: 1.0 Provider: PUT

Description: Depending on the need, for a given already fulfilled preference relation between two alternatives: "a is preferred to b", it finds one of the two possible types of values. These are the maximal de ...

RORUTA-PostFactum-PreferenceRelatedDeteriorationOrSurplusValueHierarchical Version: 1.0 Provider: PUT

Description: Depending on the need, for a given already fulfilled preference relation between two alternatives: "a is preferred to b", it finds a one of the two possible types of values. These are the maximal ...

RORUTA-PostFactum-PreferenceRelatedImprovementOrMissingValue Version: 1.0 Provider: PUT

Description: Depending on the need, for a given not satisified preference relation between two alternatives: "a is preferred to b", the module finds one of the two possible types of values. These are the minim ...

RORUTA-PostFactum-PreferenceRelatedImprovementOrMissingValueHierarchical Version: 1.0 Provider: PUT

Description: Depending on the need, for a given not satisfied preference relation between two alternatives: "a is preferred to b", the module finds one of the two possible types of values. These are the minima ...

RORUTA-PostFactum-RankRelatedDeteriorationOrSurplusValue Version: 1.0 Provider: PUT

Description: For a given ranking position n and the alternative a that already attains at least n-th position in ranking, depending on the need, the module find a one of the two possible types of values. These ...

RORUTA-PostFactum-RankRelatedDeteriorationOrSurplusValueHierarchical Version: 1.0 Provider: PUT

Description: For a given ranking position n and the alternative a that already attains at least n-th position in ranking, depending on the need, the module find a one of the two possible types of values. These ...

RORUTA-PostFactum-RankRelatedImprovementOrMissingValue Version: 1.0 Provider: PUT

Description: For a given ranking position n and the alternative a which is worse than n-th, depending on the need, the module finds one of the two possible types of values. These are the minimal improvement of ...